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twoleftfeet 12:50 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
One patsy put up for prosecution.


collyrob 12:56 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Only 1? Absolute disgrace

Russ of the BML 1:03 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
twoleftfeet 11:19 Thu Mar 14

No, you've mis-construed what I said.

I said the soldiers made mistakes. There were genuine mistakes in leadership and provision of soldiers and resource which led to innocent people being killed. They did not set out that day to kill people.

When I said the IRA made no mistakes I mean there were no mistakes. Their intention was to slaughter, kill and maim innocent people. That was what they set out to do and that was they did.

, 1:06 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
The IRA were pussycats compared to PIRA ( who did most of the bombing ) and then don’t forget the diverse hard nut Protestant gangs that were also killing.

twoleftfeet 1:14 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Was anyone ever prosecuted for the torture and murder of the 2 British soldiers caught in the funeral parade?

Eastside surge 1:16 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
They have charged one former paratrooper the news has just been on , surely his one and only line of defence is " following orders "

twoleftfeet 1:20 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
And to think Brexit is being delayed because of these English hating Irish.

twoleftfeet 1:24 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
This guy speaking and all of his “ friends “ need to be reminded that it was a war and in war innocent people die.

ChillTheKeel 1:26 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
I've no idea why anyone tries to explain anything to this thick tit.

Westside 1:28 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
The British troops showed great fire discipline and returned fire at IRA gunmen shooting at them. IRA gunmen, with British Army calibre weapons, then fired on the protesters. to discredit British forces and create a propaganda coup for the IRA.

If a British soldier is convicted, given the amount of terrorist scum who have been released from jail as part of the peace process, the convicted soldier should just be fined. A quid.

Norman 1:30 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Even in a war which is debatable you don’t shoot unarmed civilians who are waving a white hanky whilst trying to rescue another unarmed civilians who had been shot.

I feel for innocent people on both side and the soldiers had an impossible task. There are no winners in any of this

Eggbert Nobacon 1:30 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
and yet IRA members who fired at soldiers that day and have admitted killings at other times are not charged


Eggbert Nobacon 1:49 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
surely the army can just apologise and not name the soldiers

like the IRA did here about a 14 year old girl they shot and then lied about for 30 years blaming the British


, 3:23 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Twofeetleft, you need to read up about Ulster and how the troubles came about etc. Then you might see how things evolved to the point of the Good Friday Agreement and eventually where we are today.

terry-h 3:24 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
The Omagh bombing took place just over 20 years ago and I don't think a single Irishman has spent a minute in jail for that.29 people slaughtered and over 200 injured.

twoleftfeet 3:33 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Lying bastards! They shoot dead a 14 year old girl and it takes them 30 years to apologise.

Eggbert Nobacon 4:18 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
did the same about a 9 year old boy


Percy Dalton 4:25 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Genuine question
Someone of high authority made the decision to issue the Paras with live rounds and not the customary rubber bullet.
That's the person who if anyone should be charged.
The Paras are a front line action regiment basically a killing machine.
They were only doing their job.If the IRA were shooting at them they only did what they are trained to do.
This decision has set a precedent that all troops are liable to be prosecuted if the enemy is killed in a firefight.
It's a scandalous decision.

Eggbert Nobacon 4:37 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
you can't send in troops armed with rubber bullets when the IRA were shooting at them with real ones on the day

Kelly Smunt 4:40 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Yep. It's the day after sodding saturday.

Far Cough 4:42 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?
Percy Dalton 4:25 Thu Mar 14
Re: Can someone explain Bloody Sunday to me?

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